Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
I personally think this MV and Paparazzi are her best MVs yet! They just keep getting better and better. I just love the whole "schizophrenic crazed-woman-stuck-in-a-mental-institution-who-ends-up-killing-her-lousy-lover" theme. And OMG, the Alexander McQueen outfit she donned is just amazing. Look at those heels! *PSSSST HAWT!*
Also loving the polar bear train of her dress. So creative! Check it out, and enjoy!
I can't get enough of this video! :D
Monday, October 26, 2009
Yet another maid abuse case in Malaysia
This time, the poor girl wasn't as fortunate and died of her injuries despite efforts from medical professionals to save her.
The only question in my head right now is WHY on earth are people capable of inflicting such harm to a fellow human being? The injustice done just cannot be explained.
It was reported that Mautik Hani, 36, from Surabaya, had a severe wound on her leg as well as bruises on her arms and face. She was also suffering from malnutrition and dehydration. Just hearing of what she went through in the 2 months working there disgusts me. I feel angry and ashamed that THIS incident happened right here, in Malaysia.
My family employs a maid/domestic helper as well, and we put every effort into treating her as family and give her the best we can. Some people might say if you spoil these foreign workers, they will only take you for granted. Whatever you say, they are still human beings and do not deserved to be treated like slaves/dogs. Heck, I think some people love their dogs even more than their maids!
What is our society coming to? We've heard of numerous maid abuse cases in recent years, here in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong, and the situation doesn't seem to be improving. Remember Nirmala Bonat, whose employer physically abused her, and even burned her with a hot iron, till one of her nipples fell off. That is one tragic story I will never ever forget, and one name that has stuck in my head ever since it happened.
My heart goes out to these abused maids and their families. Imagine having NO choice but to go to a foreign land to work and send money back home, because fate dealt you a bad hand, and you were born into poverty. Being away from home, alone, with not much of a social life, enduring hard labour, earning a meagre wage and having to bear all that abuse? It's just NOT FAIR.
I demand justice and equality. I demand that the culprits responsible for this abuse be brought to justice and be dealt the death penalty for such a heinous crime. I don't think thats too much to ask for. Let this be a lesson to everyone out there.
This really helped me reflect and realise how blessed I am. I grew up in a loving family. I didn't have to work to support my family as a child. I had a proper childhood, had toys to play with. I have a roof over my head, food on my table, clothes to cover me, a comfortable bed to sleep in. I have a good education. What more can I ask for? So often, we take the simplest things in life for granted.
Why not stop for a moment today to just thank God for the good things in your life. Slow down, be still, be thankful.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Lady Gaga's Paparazzi Cover
Must watch till the end ok?! The ending is the grand finale of it all! HAHAHAHA.
Enjoy! ;)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Beyonce is coming to Malaysia!
I cannot tell you how excited I am about her coming here! Though its one week before my finals, I am still going! Its really really gonna be good!
Been reading in the news about certain parties protesting and being against her coming to Malaysia because of her supposed "sexy image and clothing". like WTH right?! If they're gonna make a big fuss out of Beyonce, what more if Lady Gaga is coming?
These people really have nothing better to do than to ruin my highlight of the year?! I seriously cannot fathom their ignorance. Here's what I think!
1) Education begins at home.
If you're so afraid your kids will get influenced by Beyonce's concert, then don't frikking allow them to go lah. And if all it takes is a Beyonce concert to sway your kids over to the "dark" side, then I'm sorry to say you've been a lousy parent to not have instilled good moral values into your kids.
2)Let me quote what that nincompoop of a PAS official had to say.
“We are not against entertainment as long as it is within the framework of our culture and our religion. We are against Western sexy performances. We don’t think our people need that.”
What an insult to my intelligence. You don't think your people need sexy western performances but it is all over the media anyway. What makes you think protesting to a Beyonce concert will make your people less succeptible to the draw of western culture? How ironic it is that as we're supposedly progressing towards a becoming a globalized nation, many a time, we prefer to take a step back and look inwards instead of looking out. Malaysia is after all a multiracial, multireligious, multicultural nation, no?
I mean seriously. If you're talking about "sexy images and clothing", shouldn't you worry more about pornography? Where its all about SEX and the absence of clothing. Sholdn't these idiots be wasting their time trying to censor internet pornography instead of protesting to a world class, talented performer coming? I would be more worried about my kids watching porn on the internet than attending a Beyonce concert.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sun - Fancy Free
Do watch and comment. Its really the bomb! Enjoy :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Will You Marry Me or WYMM for short was a blast. Really miss the acting and hanging out with the cast and crew. All in all, I had a great time playing Ryan. ;)
The crowd enjoyed it too. So far, been hearing only good comments. And a record 3310 people came for WYMM! WOOT.
Had a minor accident on Sunday. Was at Pyramid waiting behind a car to get into the car park. So I was rummaging through my car for my Touch N' Go card. Next thing I know Daniel was like "Joel Joel Joel" and *BANG*. I kissed the bumper of a black Myvi in front of me. My car was fine, just a few scratches on my number plate, the girl's car had a like a few 10inch scratches on her bumper. =.=
They got out of their car, 5 of them. 3 ah bengs, and 2 ah lians. Ah Beng number 1 said :"So how? How you wanna settle?". To which, I was confused. I replied saying :"How? Settle? Settle lor." Then ah beng number 1 demanded Rm200 to respray the bumper. He then went back into his car and looked for something, which I presumed was a phone or something. He came back out with cigs, started lighting up in front of me and gave me the whole "look, i smoke so i macho" look. I just couldn't be bothered and I went to my car to get my phone.
Ah lian number 1, who owned the car, and had this fierce look on her face said :"My uncle ah, he own car workshop. This one, serious problem. 300-350 also got". Then came Ah Beng number 2. He butted in and said some crap like :"aiyah, myvi ah you see. Bumper and car different colour one. Need more expensive". HELLO? I knew Ah Bengs were dumbasses, but I didn't know they were colour blind too! And I hit your bumper only what, what on earth does it have to do with the car body colour being different? This is a classic example of a brainless Ah Beng, and not to mention colour blind too.
At that point I knew these people were out for my $. I just told them, thats it. Give me your contact details, I'll call my friend and ask how much does it cost to fix this.
What's hilarious is all that while, Daniel was like flirting with Ah Beng number 3 (yes, a GUY) by the side. He was like asking him so where you guys live, you all students ah? ZZZZZZZZ. I have no comment la. But Daniel was still a good friend, after that he gave me moral support when they all left, and helped me gather my thoughts.
So, I'm still in the midst of settling the stuff with these people. Not easy when you know they're out for your money.
Then, yesterday I had a flat tyre. =_= good thing Andrew was there to help me change tyres. Today I sent my car tyre for fixing, and thankfully that cost me Rm5 only. PHEW.
Just can't wait to get this whole car thing off my shoulders. Such a big burden.
Ok la, enough of ranting. I'll leave you with something I might say to them in case these ah bengs wanna fight. It's quite funny really..
"I won't fight you ugly people, because you have nothing to lose". HAHAHAHA.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Passing by
So anyway, just thought of sharing a really cool video with all you tech savvy Gen Y peepz out there. If you have facebook or twitter, or watch youtube, then this is for you. =)
Enjoy! ;)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Potong Saga
Hilarious Malaysian short film. A must watch. This short film is the current rave at the moment. Very creative indeed! Enjoy! ;)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Do You Remember?
Hmmm. Besides that.. Just my thoughts at the moment. I was just contemplating on the fragility of human life and our existance. Think about it, one tusnami can wipe out cities, leaving tens of thousands of people dead and millions homeless. Yes, we, the oh-so-mighty and powerful "rulers" of our universe, still have to stand down and bow to mother nature. We may be powerful, creative, and intelligent, but we are no match to the wrath of mother nature.
Let us learn to have more respect for nature. And like, love her more. Then maybe... just maybe, we might be spared from more natural disasters. LOL.
In case you're reading this, mother nature, we love you from the bottom of our hearts okay?! Hahahaha. So stop sending earthquakes that send shock waves to KL and JB that shake our apartment blocks and high rise condos. We still want to live, you know!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Influenza A (H1N1)
Just some interesting thoughts/happenings about swine flu/Influenza A/H1N1/AH1N1.
So.. our lecturer was telling us today that AH1N1, has been affectionately called Ahini (get it?) in the recent weeks. Its actually quite a cute name. Hahaha. Ahini...
He was joking that if he finds a cure to it.. He'll call the vaccine Annihi. When asked why Annihi, he simply answered, :"Because... Annihi... these are the first 6 letters for the word annihilate."
LOL. okay la, maybe not THAT funny. But you have to give it to him for his creativity. =)
I also read my friend's tweet on twitter that he was enjoying his buffet lunch when all of a sudden, the chef had to leave because his poor daughter passed away due to H1N1 complications. So, yes.. It is a really dreadful thing that the chef's daughter passed away. But as a future healthcare practitioner, the first thing that comes to mind is.. This guy is a chef, he works in a restaurant, he's coming in contact with people and food, AND his daughter had H1N1. WHY on earth is he not being quarantined? o.0
I know. I feel for him that his daughter passed away. But what about other people? Like the other patrons in the restaurant, who may contract the virus through him and bring it home and infect their sick/immunosuppresed friends/relatives.
A lot of people are undermining the quarantine instruction by the Ministry of Health. YES, H1N1 won't kill you if you are healthy and fit. But what about the other people around you?
If you are a confirmed H1N1 case, let everyone know lah. Why bother being so secretive/pai seh about it? At least the people you have come into contact with can quarantine themselves ASAP and take the right measures to stop this virus from spreading.
Like it or not, we all have a part to play in keeping H1N1 from becoming an even more serious threat than it is now. It may not seem to hurt us yet, but waiting till it hits closer to home is a tad bit too late, no?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Yasmin Ahmad's "Talentime" is making a comeback!
One of my favourite movies, "Talentime" by the late Yasmin Ahmad will be making a comeback at selected cinemas starting tomorrow (13th August)! This home grown film is not only thought provoking, but it also captures the essence of Malaysia as a multiracial, multireligious and multicultural nation and its struggles. For those who have not had a chance to watch this movie, please take this opportunity to do so, not just in memory of Yasmin, but also in support of a very well directed and scripted local film. Not to mention the stellar cast too!
Its one of the rare Malaysian films that we can actually be proud off, considering the amount of bad Malaysian films out there. =_=
For more info, check out KLue.
Oh.. and on a side note, I raced a Ferrari yesterday, which was absolutely hilarious. Had a great day with Daniel yesterday, watching GI Joe (which unfortunately, didn't really live up to my expectations. Great action, bad storyline. You get the drift) and getting his stuff from IKEA.
I'm off now! Till later. ;)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A vain moment
Yes, you've probably figured it out by now. I HAVE A HUGE @$$ ZIT ON MY NOSE!
Haiyoooooorrrr. Why did this silly zit choose ME? And why of all times, NOW?
Its so big, I think it deserves a name. Was thinking of the options available, should I call it pimplous gigantasaurous, or pimplesaurous for short?
Super don't feel like going out to see anyone today.
Mr. Vain-Pot signing off,
Friday, August 7, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Grouses and Nightmares
Yesterday was my WORST ever experience with the Malaysian transport system, ever.
I was heading from Subang KTM station with my sister en route to PC Fair held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. When the train arrived, it was packed like sardines. Somehow or rather, we managed to pack outselves into the cramped train with no standing space and barely any breathing space left.
The doors shut, and then suddenly the AC went off. And no, it didn't come back on. Ok, to give you a better account of what happened.. Here's what Joel saw, felt, and smelt during the 40minute journey.
It was packed like a club. Seriously, it was like crotch to ass, crotch to ass all over. There was this guy in front of me, who's hands kept bumping/brushing against my hand. Super disgusting. =_=
And did I mention the smell? Oh my, the smell... Thank God I was taller than most people there. Imagine if your height was at armpit level, the aromas that you would have encountered! I smelt a mixture of sweaty armpits, a hint of Issey Miyake cologne from the chinese dude to my left, and some nasty smelling hair! All that mixed together. . .
The worst part of the journey was when the train came to a complete stop somewhere midway of the journey. It was horrendous. By the time we got off the train, I was completely drenched in my own sweat plus like everyone else's sweat around me. Definitely not a good sight to behold.
That's the reason why I do not believe in Malaysia's public transport system. It has let me down time and time again. Not only is the wait long, the ride ardorous and the journey unpleasant, it is always overcrowded as well. Its back to taking taxis for me.
Ok. 'Nuff said bout' Malaysia's let-down of a transport system. Last night, I had two nightmare-ish dreams. Not really nightmares la, more of like really weird.
In the first one, I felt my two front teeth were really loose and painful. Next thing I knew, I was spewing blood from my mouth and had my two teeth in hand. Lookin in the mirror, I swear, it waslike a scene from a vampire movie. Blood oozing out of my mouth, minus the two front teeth. Not pretty at all. Chinese call that "Bo Gey!"
2nd dream... I dreamt that I did something really really bad. And I was running and finding a place to hide in this apartment block. Too bad for me, the victim's friends got to me and we had to like settle the issue. It was either they called the police, or I paid them $500,000. I chose to pay the 500k. Where I got the money, I don't know. I must've been pretty rich in that dream. I remembered mom picking me up after I paid them off, and she just smiled to me and said, "Good thing can settle. Or else you'll be in jail!"
Hahaha. Thats all for now folks.
Till later,
Friday, July 31, 2009
Shaping up!
It is with great joy that I announce that I, Joel Goh, am determined to get into shape and start working those muscles! My goal is that by year end, I will at least have toned abs, bigger biceps and triceps, and I won't be as flat as an airport! =)
In hopes of pursuing this goal, I have joined a gym for a 30 day trial, and from there PAY an exorbidant amount of money for the next 3 months to achieve my target. =_____=
When my mom reads this (if she ever does), she is so gonna flip. This will be exactly what she'll say.
Mum: "!@#$%^&*... In KK (my hometown) you've got such good gym facilities at Sutera Harbour (the local golf and country club).. and you never wanna use, har?! Now go to KL, you wanna pay so much money for some fancy-named gym. SIAO!"
Joel: "=_________= What to do mom? Nothing good comes cheap right? :P" *cheeky grin*
Anyhoos, I'm off to bed now.. I hope I can get some sleep. Been having stomach upsets since yesterday, and its been keeping me up! :(
Nites world!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Yasmin Ahmad was a MAN?

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Today... Malaysia lost one of its best movie directors of all time.
Today... We bid farewell to Yasmin Ahmad. =(
Some of you may be familiar with some of her work, most notably "Sepet" and "Talentime". For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, remember how they have those Petronas ads every festive season that never fail to make you laugh and cry? Well, she was behind them all. In one way or another, her works have touched the hearts of millions of Malaysians across Malaysia, promoting racial harmony and love. In fact, she recently did an advertisement for Singapore's Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports entitled "Funeral", which in my opinion was one of THE best advertisements I've ever watched.
I'll quote a friend who said this about Yasmin Ahmad :"She was the most vulgar yet the sweetest of souls".
A life cut short, such great talent lost! We will definitely miss you Yasmin. May you rest in peace.
As a tribute to Yasmin's work and as a celebration of her life, here are two of my favourite Yasmin Ahmad ads. Enjoy. ;)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Losing the plot.
Have you ever questioned yourself if the path you've chosen for your life is the ONE and ONLY WAY to achieving your ultimate goal?
Well, I have. And to be honest, its one of the hardest questions to answer.
A lot of times, I tell myself to just hang on and persevere, because nothing good in life ever comes easy. Everything takes sacrifice and determination.
But like... Helloooo? Reality check... its so much easier said than done!
I just have to tell myself to just
Good news is... I'll be lunching with the two Yvonnes tomorrow in MidValley. and Yvonne F is bringing me this vintage bag from Singapore! Its really like THE bag that I've been looking for since like forever. I saw Yvonne M with it in KK the last time round and I was like OMGWTH where did you get that bag from? HAHAHA. Anyhooos, pictures of it soon and those interested can get it from BlackRibbon in Bugis, Singapore.
So now both Yvonne M and I will be having the same bag. But I'll use mine in KL and Yvonne M can use hers in India! So hopefully it won't be such a fashion disaster. Heehehe.
OK lah, Laters!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sick Season
Of late, everyone's been falling ill, including me. =(
I'm down with a bad cough, flu and now a splitting headache from getting caught in the rain just now. What a terrible feeling. On top of that, I've not been getting much sleep due to the cough. It just keeps me up all night, and when I lie down, the backflow of mucus into my sinuses makes it extremely uncomfortable and hard to breathe. To add to the pain, I've been coughing so much my diaphragm hurts. SIGH! What to do ler? New semester, and I am already falling ill.
Here's a thought of the day for you : Everything has a natural environment. Man's natural environment is to find rest.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The world and all its splendour
This is my attempt at taking up blogging again. Although I still have the links to my previous blogs on Xanga, Friendster (yes, friendster in its heyday had blogs too), Multiply, and my other Blogger account, it feels like each of these blogs represent a different season and chapter in my life. So here I am, moving to a new blog and embarking on a new chapter of my life.
So.. what has happened?
Here's a breakdown of what's been going on lately.
- I'm on holidays till the 19th! WEEEEE.
- I got my driving license, finally. (Yes yes, tell me what a late bloomer I am! But but but.. I passed on my first attempt, and without bribing any corrupt Malaysian officials. Now that's something to boast about, right?)
- I was in Singapore last weekend for food, shopping, partying, and the beach! Plus, meeting up with old friends =D
- Stopped by in Malacca on the way to Singapore for yummylicious ball-ball chicken rice! *drools*
- I bought a bike recently, used it once, and now I wanna sell it. Any takers? ;)
- I've been having too many late nights, and yet waking up early in the morning. (if only I can train my body to do this during exam periods. GRRRR.)
- I'm itching to buy so many things. Saw so many things I like. But have to control my spending. Seriously over budgeted for this month!
OK lah, to be honest. Not THAT much going on lately. So not happening lah my life! >=(
Till I have something better to talk about... ;)
Muchos love,