Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The world and all its splendour

This is my attempt at taking up blogging again. Although I still have the links to my previous blogs on Xanga, Friendster (yes, friendster in its heyday had blogs too), Multiply, and my other Blogger account, it feels like each of these blogs represent a different season and chapter in my life. So here I am, moving to a new blog and embarking on a new chapter of my life.

So.. what has happened?

Here's a breakdown of what's been going on lately.

  1. I'm on holidays till the 19th! WEEEEE.
  2. I got my driving license, finally. (Yes yes, tell me what a late bloomer I am! But but but.. I passed on my first attempt, and without bribing any corrupt Malaysian officials. Now that's something to boast about, right?)
  3. I was in Singapore last weekend for food, shopping, partying, and the beach! Plus, meeting up with old friends =D
  4. Stopped by in Malacca on the way to Singapore for yummylicious ball-ball chicken rice! *drools*
  5. I bought a bike recently, used it once, and now I wanna sell it. Any takers? ;)
  6. I've been having too many late nights, and yet waking up early in the morning. (if only I can train my body to do this during exam periods. GRRRR.)
  7. I'm itching to buy so many things. Saw so many things I like. But have to control my spending. Seriously over budgeted for this month!

OK lah, to be honest. Not THAT much going on lately. So not happening lah my life! >=(

Till I have something better to talk about... ;)

Muchos love,


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