Saturday, July 25, 2009

Losing the plot.

*Disclaimer.. Emo, self-evaluatory post ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Have you ever questioned yourself if the path you've chosen for your life is the ONE and ONLY WAY to achieving your ultimate goal?

Well, I have. And to be honest, its one of the hardest questions to answer.

A lot of times, I tell myself to just hang on and persevere, because nothing good in life ever comes easy. Everything takes sacrifice and determination.

But like... Helloooo? Reality check... its so much easier said than done!

I just have to tell myself to just suck and swallow suck back those tears and swallow back that pride! And just keep on keeping on!


Good news is... I'll be lunching with the two Yvonnes tomorrow in MidValley. and Yvonne F is bringing me this vintage bag from Singapore! Its really like THE bag that I've been looking for since like forever. I saw Yvonne M with it in KK the last time round and I was like OMGWTH where did you get that bag from? HAHAHA. Anyhooos, pictures of it soon and those interested can get it from BlackRibbon in Bugis, Singapore.

So now both Yvonne M and I will be having the same bag. But I'll use mine in KL and Yvonne M can use hers in India! So hopefully it won't be such a fashion disaster. Heehehe.

OK lah, Laters!


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