Friday, July 31, 2009

Shaping up!

It is with great joy that I announce that I, Joel Goh, am determined to get into shape and start working those muscles! My goal is that by year end, I will at least have toned abs, bigger biceps and triceps, and I won't be as flat as an airport! =)

In hopes of pursuing this goal, I have joined a gym for a 30 day trial, and from there PAY an exorbidant amount of money for the next 3 months to achieve my target. =_____=

When my mom reads this (if she ever does), she is so gonna flip. This will be exactly what she'll say.

Mum: "!@#$%^&*... In KK (my hometown) you've got such good gym facilities at Sutera Harbour (the local golf and country club).. and you never wanna use, har?! Now go to KL, you wanna pay so much money for some fancy-named gym. SIAO!"

Joel: "=_________= What to do mom? Nothing good comes cheap right? :P" *cheeky grin*

Anyhoos, I'm off to bed now.. I hope I can get some sleep. Been having stomach upsets since yesterday, and its been keeping me up! :(

Nites world!


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yasmin Ahmad was a MAN?

Yes, that is the shocking "truth" about the late Yasmin Ahmad. When I found out two days ago, I was in utter disbelief. According to a report by a local entertainment magazine, Yasmin Ahmad used to be a singer and Malacca football striker by the name of Zulkifli Ahmad back in the 70's.

Then... and Now...

Apparently, Yasmin Ahmad was born a haemaphrodite. For those unfamiliar with this term, a haemaphrodite, is described as a person born with both the male and female reproductive organs. Usually, at a certain age, a haemaphrodite will CHOOSE a preferred sex/gender and a surgery can be performed to remove the sex organ of choice.

Then again, to what extent are these allegations thrown agaisnt the late Yasmin Ahmad true? I guess they will remain as baseless allegations unless there is evidence.
Personally, I do not like to talk of the dead. Let the dead rest in peace. Whatever Yasmin's gender was isn't our concern. I say we judge less, and love more!

Lets remember her for what she has done, and for how much she has contributed to our society, not for what her gender or sexuality was. =)

May she rest in peace.

Lotsa Love,

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Today... Malaysia lost one of its best movie directors of all time.

Today... We bid farewell to Yasmin Ahmad. =(

Some of you may be familiar with some of her work, most notably "Sepet" and "Talentime". For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, remember how they have those Petronas ads every festive season that never fail to make you laugh and cry? Well, she was behind them all. In one way or another, her works have touched the hearts of millions of Malaysians across Malaysia, promoting racial harmony and love. In fact, she recently did an advertisement for Singapore's Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports entitled "Funeral", which in my opinion was one of THE best advertisements I've ever watched.

I'll quote a friend who said this about Yasmin Ahmad :"She was the most vulgar yet the sweetest of souls".

A life cut short, such great talent lost! We will definitely miss you Yasmin. May you rest in peace.

As a tribute to Yasmin's work and as a celebration of her life, here are two of my favourite Yasmin Ahmad ads. Enjoy. ;)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Losing the plot.

*Disclaimer.. Emo, self-evaluatory post ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Have you ever questioned yourself if the path you've chosen for your life is the ONE and ONLY WAY to achieving your ultimate goal?

Well, I have. And to be honest, its one of the hardest questions to answer.

A lot of times, I tell myself to just hang on and persevere, because nothing good in life ever comes easy. Everything takes sacrifice and determination.

But like... Helloooo? Reality check... its so much easier said than done!

I just have to tell myself to just suck and swallow suck back those tears and swallow back that pride! And just keep on keeping on!


Good news is... I'll be lunching with the two Yvonnes tomorrow in MidValley. and Yvonne F is bringing me this vintage bag from Singapore! Its really like THE bag that I've been looking for since like forever. I saw Yvonne M with it in KK the last time round and I was like OMGWTH where did you get that bag from? HAHAHA. Anyhooos, pictures of it soon and those interested can get it from BlackRibbon in Bugis, Singapore.

So now both Yvonne M and I will be having the same bag. But I'll use mine in KL and Yvonne M can use hers in India! So hopefully it won't be such a fashion disaster. Heehehe.

OK lah, Laters!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sick Season

Of late, everyone's been falling ill, including me. =(

I'm down with a bad cough, flu and now a splitting headache from getting caught in the rain just now. What a terrible feeling. On top of that, I've not been getting much sleep due to the cough. It just keeps me up all night, and when I lie down, the backflow of mucus into my sinuses makes it extremely uncomfortable and hard to breathe. To add to the pain, I've been coughing so much my diaphragm hurts. SIGH! What to do ler? New semester, and I am already falling ill.

Here's a thought of the day for you : Everything has a natural environment. Man's natural environment is to find rest.



Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The world and all its splendour

This is my attempt at taking up blogging again. Although I still have the links to my previous blogs on Xanga, Friendster (yes, friendster in its heyday had blogs too), Multiply, and my other Blogger account, it feels like each of these blogs represent a different season and chapter in my life. So here I am, moving to a new blog and embarking on a new chapter of my life.

So.. what has happened?

Here's a breakdown of what's been going on lately.

  1. I'm on holidays till the 19th! WEEEEE.
  2. I got my driving license, finally. (Yes yes, tell me what a late bloomer I am! But but but.. I passed on my first attempt, and without bribing any corrupt Malaysian officials. Now that's something to boast about, right?)
  3. I was in Singapore last weekend for food, shopping, partying, and the beach! Plus, meeting up with old friends =D
  4. Stopped by in Malacca on the way to Singapore for yummylicious ball-ball chicken rice! *drools*
  5. I bought a bike recently, used it once, and now I wanna sell it. Any takers? ;)
  6. I've been having too many late nights, and yet waking up early in the morning. (if only I can train my body to do this during exam periods. GRRRR.)
  7. I'm itching to buy so many things. Saw so many things I like. But have to control my spending. Seriously over budgeted for this month!

OK lah, to be honest. Not THAT much going on lately. So not happening lah my life! >=(

Till I have something better to talk about... ;)

Muchos love,
